5.12 Remember

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Valvojat: Siru84, Loving Dead

5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Loving Dead » 02 Maalis 2015, 21:14

Katsaus jakson tapahtumiin

Alexandrian porteilla Rick kumppaneineen ovat edelleen varuillaan ja epävarmoja. Pieni opossumi riittää säikäyttämään kaikki, mutta päätyy nopeasti Darylin ampumaksi "päivälliseksi". Carl tarkkailee viereisiä poltettuja taloja ja havaitsee ikkunan takana nuoren naisen (Enidin) katselemassa heidän saapumistaan. Portin avannut Nicholas vaatii vieraita luovuttamaan aseensa, mutta Aaron pelastaa tilanteen sallimalla heidän pitää ne, kunnes he olisivat puhuneet Deannan kanssa.

"Kuka on Deanna?", kysyy Abraham. Alexandrian johtohahmo, Deanna Monroe, on entinen poliitikko, joka omaa erinomaisen kyvyn lukea ja käsitellä ihmisiä. Hän laittaa vieraansa yksi kerrallaan videokameran eteen kertomaan tarinansa, ja saamme jakson aikana nähdä pätkiä Rickin, Carlin, Darylin, Glennin, Carolin ja Michonnen haastatteluista. Lopulta ystävämme ovat valmiit luovuttamaan aseensa, ja heille osoitetaan kaksi omakotitaloa, joihin he voivat asettua asumaan.

Vaikka paikka vaikuttaa unelmien täyttymykseltä, ei sopeutuminen ole kenellekään helppoa. Aivan alkuun Rick ajelee muhkean partansa, nuorentuu kymmenen vuotta, ja alta paljastuu... "wow", Deannan reaktiota lainaten! Rick tekee myöskin tuttavuutta viehättävän Jessien kanssa, joka ilmestyy hänen ovelleen tuoden taloustarvikkeita ja tarjoten hiustenleikkuuta, mutta yöllinen kohtaaminen Jessien aviomiehen kanssa ei suju yhtä ystävällisissä merkeissä. Sisäinen vahtikoira ei anna Rickin öisin nukkua, vaikka koko ryhmä yöpyy turvallisesti yhdessä, mutta vasta Carlin ja Judithin hetkellinen katoaminen näköpiiristä (naapurin verannalle) näyttää kuinka vainoharhaisen pelon vallassa hän edelleen on.

Carlilla on mahdollisuus viettää aikaa oman ikäistensä nuorten kanssa ja hän viihtyisi muuten hyvin, mutta pelkää tulevansa yhtä heikoksi kuin he. Kun Carl näkee Enidin kiipeävän salaa aidan yli, hän lähtee seuraamaan tätä, mutta kadottaa hänet näköpiiristä. Sen sijaan Carl tapaa isänsä ja auttaa tätä selviämään zombihyökkäyksestä vajan luona, jonne Rick oli aiemmin piilottanut aseen, joka nyt kuitenkin on merkillisesti kadonnut.

Carol ei paljasta todellista minäänsä alexandrialaisille, vaan esittää heille vaaratonta kotirouvaa, joka ei kykene suojelemaan itse itseään. Darylilla taas ei ole aikomustakaan sopeutua, vaan hän istuskelee talonsa kuistilla peseytymättömänä ja haluttomana tutustumaan ympäristöönsä, mutta rientää nopeasti Glennin avuksi tämän jouduttua tappeluun Aidenin ja Nicholaksen kanssa. Erimielisyydet syntyivät hankintareissulla, jonka aikana Tara oli vähällä joutua zombin ruoaksi ja Aiden vain syytti Glennia siitä, ettei tämä totellut hänen komentoaan. Deanna saapuu paikalle ja osoittaa hyväksyntänsä Rickin ryhmälle komentamalla omiaan, erityisesti poikaansa Aidenia, pitämään heitä tasavertaisina yhteisön jäseninä. Hän myös jakaa Rickille ja Michonnelle heidän uudet tehtävänsä toimia Alexandrian lainvartijoina; kaikilla muilla on nyt omat työtehtävänsä paitsi Darylilla.

Darylin ja Carolin pelot ryhmän heikkenemisestä osoittautuvat perusteettomiksi, kun Rick paljastaa heille illalla kuistilla ajatuksensa: Jos alexandrialaisista ei olisi paikkaa pyörittämään, he ottaisivat sen heiltä! Deanna oli oikeassa epäillessään Rickin puhuvan itsestään varoittaessaan ulkopuolisten ryhmien sisäänpäästämisestä...
Loving Dead
Viestit: 84
Liittynyt: 07 Helmi 2015, 09:58

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Loving Dead » 02 Maalis 2015, 21:59






"You look ridiculous!"

Loving Dead
Viestit: 84
Liittynyt: 07 Helmi 2015, 09:58

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Loving Dead » 02 Maalis 2015, 22:42

Tykkäsin jaksosta ihan mielettömästi! Tämän kausipuoliskon paras! :D

Hyvin oli toteutettu ensimmäiset päivät Alexandriassa eikä yhtään ehtinyt olla tylsää, vaan sopivasti oli saatu jännitystä ja huumoriakin mukaan. Pidin Deannasta heti - vaikka en tiedä mitä luurankoja kaapissaan piilottelee - ja näyttelijä on todella hyvä! Videokuvaus toi taas jotain uutta piristävää näkökulmaa mukaan, ja aavistelen niihin liittyvän jatkossa jotain muutakin.

Rickin muodonmuutos oli ihmeellinen! Olin jo aivan unohtanut millainen komistus siellä alla piilottelee, vaikka komeahan tuo on parrankin kanssa. Hetken kyllä piti silmää hieraista, että onko tuo sama näyttelijäkään, kun oli niin eri näköinen.
Tosiaan WOW! :dreamyeyes:

Ja mitäs muuta sitten? Siinä oli kyllä niin paljon kaikkea pientä, että tulisi pitkä kirjoitus jos kaikkea kommentoisi. Darylille ja Carolille tässä erityismaininta ja kiitos päivän nauruista! Muuten poimin kakusta vain kysymysmerkit, eli ensimmäisenä kuka kumma vei Rickin aseen??? :shock: Kenties se yksinään seikkaileva tyttö Enid. Entä minne Enid oli matkalla, kun aidan yli kiipesi, ja kuka hän oikein on? Hänen sanottiin tulleen Alexandriaan 8 kuukautta sitten, mutta ei kerrottu tuliko hän yksin vai joidenkin muiden kanssa. Voisivatko ne Deannan karkottamat kolme miestä liittyä Enidiin jotenkin? raaps

Ylipäätään sain sellaisen käsityksen, että jokin vaara uhkaa tuota paikkaa ja SIKSI Rickin ryhmä haluttiin sinne puolustamaan sitä. Vaara voi liittyä niihin karkotettuihin miehiin, tai sitten vaikkapa siihen jengiin, joka tuhosi Shirewiltin. "Wolfs not far", ja nyt taas viittaus susiin sarjakuvalehdessä, joka muuten kuului Enidille! Voisiko tyttö olla 8kk sitten paennut Shirewiltistä? Jotain kamalaa hän joka tapauksessa on kokenut, koska ei ollut saavuttuaan puhunut sanaakaan kolmeen viikkoon. Mahdollista on myös, että Aidenin mainitsemat kuukausi sitten menetetyt neljä miestä liittyvät johonkin, eivätkä kuolleetkaan ihan vain epäonnisesti zombien suihin, vaikka Aiden niin antoi ymmärtää. Mielenkiintoista, mielenkiintoista!

Tämän jakson nimi oli remember ja ensi jakso onkin sitten forget! :mrgreen:
Kauden viimeinen jakso tulee muuten olemaan 90min pitkä, ihanaa! Mutta toivottavasti ei kuole kukaan!!! janskatys
Loving Dead
Viestit: 84
Liittynyt: 07 Helmi 2015, 09:58

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Loving Dead » 02 Maalis 2015, 23:00

Greg Nicoteron haastattelu liittyen tähän jaksoon!

Walking Dead director Greg Nicotero reveals deleted scenes from the latest episode

Tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead was a pivotal one as the group entered the gates of Alexandria and attempted to adapt to a new way of life while meeting the residents of their new community. We spoke to exec producer Greg Nicotero (who directed the episode) to get the behind-the-scenes scoop on the installment, which included the introduction of Tovah Feldshuh as Alexandria leader Deanna Monroe, Rick finally shaving off that gnarly beard, and an ad-libbed comedic moment from Daryl Dixon. Nicotero also talks about some scenes that were cut for time that revealed the assigned jobs for some others in the group. Read on to learn more.

EW: This is the first time we’re seeing the inside of Alexandria, a location we know from the comics. Tell us how you wanted to visually introduce this new society—not just to the characters, but to viewers as well.
GREG NICOTERO: One of the biggest challenges of this episode is that we’re in a safe, guarded environment. Being in a place where people live and people thrive, people are taken care of and comfortable—but still feeling the flavor of our show—that was the biggest challenge. So when we were inside Alexandria, I wanted to make sure that every direction that we looked and every camera angle we used, we were always feeling the wall. One of the things about Woodbury is you never really got a sense of how big Woodbury was because you never really could tell where it ended. So in this episode, even when Rick and Deanna are having their conversation, the wall is outside the window behind them. And when they’re in the street, everywhere you look, you see the rusted metal wall. So the place feels confined. And given Rick’s state of mind and everyone’s culture shock about stepping into this place—they’ve basically lost everything and then they walk in and meet these people who have been there protected the entire time. It was a real trick.

You mentioned Deanna—obviously an adaptation of Alexandria leader Douglas Monroe from the comics. Why the gender switch?
Scott Gimple just wanted to switch it up a bit. I think Tovah is a great actress, and the scene we shot with her and Rick, the 10-page scene which sets up the entire colony—we shot that her first day. So she had to land on Sunday night, meet everybody on Monday, and then Tuesday she got into it with basically laying the blueprint of all of Alexandria for Rick and the entire audience.

That’s interesting because it’s not just her. There are so many new characters introduced here. What’s it like for you as a director working with so many new people that aren’t familiar with they rhythms and shorthand of how you all shoot?
It was like directing a pilot because you have to put this world on its feet, and it was an episode that a lot of people had some trepidation about because we had spent five months building Alexandria and wanted to make sure that it didn’t play like Main Street U.S.A. It’s supposed to look clean and partially manicured because it is protected, but what we really didn’t want to have happen is for it to take the audience right out of the show the minute you got there. So the idea that we have with Carl going to the house next door—I purposefully shot that scene where he goes upstairs and hears the noise—I shot that scene very much like episode 409 where Carl is in the house alone, because I wanted you to still feel that no matter how safe they are, they have been conditioned for almost two years to have this sense of dread. And the episode really does have that, and we see how everybody handles it.

There were a couple of scenes that we had to lose due to time—a really interesting sequence. It was when all of them were going to work for their jobs. We see Rosita going to meet [Jessie’s husband] Pete, and we see Abraham going to meet the crew that is building the wall, and we see Eugene going to meet with a worker to discuss the solar array. And we also see Maggie going to work with Deanna. So it was a great little montage, and we had to lose it strictly for time. But it was this great moment where people were having to deal with the emotion of assimilating back into what is such a normal world in an abnormal universe.

To that point, in that scene where Rick and Carl face the walkers, am I wrong in seeing them perk up during that confrontation? As if that’s what they’re used to, and in a weird way they maybe don’t know how to live without that confrontation because that’s how they’ve been conditioned now. It’s almost as if they feel more alive when they are doing that.
You’re absolutely correct. And not only do they feel more alive, but I think Carl even says, “I don’t want this place to make us weak.” So they go out into the wilderness specifically to keep up their chops. They want to stay sharp because the last thing that they want to have happen is to be caught with their guard down and have something happen to them. And Carol has the same reaction too. But everybody handles it differently. Daryl has no real interest in assimilating. He hardly even looks at anybody. And then you have Tara and Rosita and those guys who are sort of enamored with the idea, like, “Wow, we got a house! This is great!” Everybody’s handling it differently, and especially Michonne, who talks about the fact that she spends 15 minutes brushing her teeth.

You use footage and audio from the camcorder that Deanna sets up, so we see some of the episode played out through these tapes that she’s recording. Tell me about the decision to do that.
I love the idea that Deanna’s job is to document every single person that comes in. And those documents are public record. So we really wanted to play the idea that the video camera is the omnipotent viewer, and any time you can go into Deanna’s office and watch those interviews. So we really wanted to play the idea that we cut back and forth to the P.O.V.’s because ultimately that will be the record of who these people are. It’s not about what happens when the camera is not running; it’s about what happens when the camera is running, because that is how Deanna gauges everybody—from those initial interviews. And we will get a chance later to have her rewatch some of those interviews. I think it’s a great device, and again, we’re talking about technology that is co commonplace now that when you see her say, “Do you mind if I record this?” you’re like, what are you talking about? That doesn’t exist anymore. But they’re able to take hot showers and to record things and have electricity and all of these amenities that clearly feel to our group like a gilded cage.

Let’s talk about the Rick shaving scene. Obviously a big moment. It kind of felt like a mirror version—no pun intended—of the scene where Shane shaved his head back in season 2.
He shaves because it’s part of Rick’s transition to a different person. He’s no longer living out there and he’s no longer feral. But he’s still the same guy. So by Rick shaving and putting on the uniform and putting on clean clothes and then him saying in the last line of the episode—“If they’re not okay with this then well just take this place”—he’s going undercover. Rick is becoming the person that he thinks they want him to be so that he can assess what the likelihood is that their group is going to be able to stay there and survive.

Carol is clearly going undercover as well. Is this a plan they formulated together or is everyone sort of doing their own thing?
I think at this point they’re all just doing what they need to do, like that great scene where Carol comes out on the porch and says “Time to go make the casserole!” And then Daryl looks up and says, “You look ridiculous!”

I love that line.
That was an ad-lib. Because it is so foreign to what we’ve lived with for five years to see Carol in that pastel getup, we all sat there going, this is frickin’ weird. So then she walks down the sidewalk and Norman yells “You look ridiculous!” When I did the cut, I was like, I’m leaving that in because that is exactly what Daryl would say. And I don’t know if it made it in to the episode or not, but at one point Carol goes “Thank you!” as she’s walking away.

But what was amazing about the shower scene and the shaving scene was that Andy hasn’t seen himself clean-shaven since season 1. And it’s a very different look. So we specifically set up multiple cameras because I wanted to shoot it all as one piece. Once you start shaving, you can’t go back. And what was interesting about it is Andy was so zoned in—he was just staring at himself in the mirror. He was watching himself transform into a different person. So at one point I remember looking at him, and he hadn’t trimmed all the hair off yet but he was using the razor. So I went in at one point and actually took the scissors and started trimming some of it for him. He was so zoned into his headspace that I don’t think he even really knew. There’s a great picture of me in the bathroom shaving him. It was just watching your reflection become a different person, and that is what we wanted for the scene. I wanted to capture Rick’s transformation into somebody else and how that affects him emotionally. So you’re looking into his eyes as he’s looking at his reflection. And you have to remember on our show, we don’t play up mirrors up very often at all. We play reflections a lot. Scott Gimple loves the idea of using reflections in the episodes, but it’s not like our people have a lot of opportunities to see what they really look like. So going back to the original question: Yes, we did want to mirror the scene with Shane with putting the steam on the mirror and all that kind of stuff.

Clearly this entire episode is setting the table for what’s to come.
It’s a challenging episode because it’s a very different episode and it’s not super action-packed, but it’s got this underlying sense of unease and dread. My hope for episode 12 is that basically we’re lighting a fuse. And we don’t know how long the fuse is, and we don’t know how long it is going to take for all of this to implode, but clearly our people are out of sorts being in this situation—especially having dealt with Woodbury and having dealt with Terminus and even Hershel’s farm, which was probably the safest place that they had lived for a long time period, and that ultimately imploded. So I do believe that there’s always this sense from our group like, listen, nothing is forever. And the big question is: Can we survive here?

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/02/27/wa ... d9befb34cd
Loving Dead
Viestit: 84
Liittynyt: 07 Helmi 2015, 09:58

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Siru84 » 02 Maalis 2015, 23:50

Loving Dead kirjoitti:Tykkäsin jaksosta ihan mielettömästi! Tämän kausipuoliskon paras! :D

Hyvin oli toteutettu ensimmäiset päivät Alexandriassa eikä yhtään ehtinyt olla tylsää, vaan sopivasti oli saatu jännitystä ja huumoriakin mukaan. Pidin Deannasta heti - vaikka en tiedä mitä luurankoja kaapissaan piilottelee - ja näyttelijä on todella hyvä! Videokuvaus toi taas jotain uutta piristävää näkökulmaa mukaan, ja aavistelen niihin liittyvän jatkossa jotain muutakin.

Rickin muodonmuutos oli ihmeellinen! Olin jo aivan unohtanut millainen komistus siellä alla piilottelee, vaikka komeahan tuo on parrankin kanssa. Hetken kyllä piti silmää hieraista, että onko tuo sama näyttelijäkään, kun oli niin eri näköinen.
Tosiaan WOW! :dreamyeyes:

Ja mitäs muuta sitten? Siinä oli kyllä niin paljon kaikkea pientä, että tulisi pitkä kirjoitus jos kaikkea kommentoisi. Darylille ja Carolille tässä erityismaininta ja kiitos päivän nauruista! Muuten poimin kakusta vain kysymysmerkit, eli ensimmäisenä kuka kumma vei Rickin aseen??? :shock: Kenties se yksinään seikkaileva tyttö Enid. Entä minne Enid oli matkalla, kun aidan yli kiipesi, ja kuka hän oikein on? Hänen sanottiin tulleen Alexandriaan 8 kuukautta sitten, mutta ei kerrottu tuliko hän yksin vai joidenkin muiden kanssa. Voisivatko ne Deannan karkottamat kolme miestä liittyä Enidiin jotenkin? raaps

Ylipäätään sain sellaisen käsityksen, että jokin vaara uhkaa tuota paikkaa ja SIKSI Rickin ryhmä haluttiin sinne puolustamaan sitä. Vaara voi liittyä niihin karkotettuihin miehiin, tai sitten vaikkapa siihen jengiin, joka tuhosi Shirewiltin. "Wolfs not far", ja nyt taas viittaus susiin sarjakuvalehdessä, joka muuten kuului Enidille! Voisiko tyttö olla 8kk sitten paennut Shirewiltistä? Jotain kamalaa hän joka tapauksessa on kokenut, koska ei ollut saavuttuaan puhunut sanaakaan kolmeen viikkoon. Mahdollista on myös, että Aidenin mainitsemat kuukausi sitten menetetyt neljä miestä liittyvät johonkin, eivätkä kuolleetkaan ihan vain epäonnisesti zombien suihin, vaikka Aiden niin antoi ymmärtää. Mielenkiintoista, mielenkiintoista!

Tämän jakson nimi oli remember ja ensi jakso onkin sitten forget! :mrgreen:
Kauden viimeinen jakso tulee muuten olemaan 90min pitkä, ihanaa! Mutta toivottavasti ei kuole kukaan!!! janskatys

Mulla on yhtä epäileväinen olo kuin Rickin porukalla on. Ei voi tietää ovatko ihan oikeasti turvassa! Ja miksi ne otettiin tonne? Hyvä kysymyksiä kyselit kyllä :ylös: Aiden vaikutti heti kusipäältä ja tuskinpa tuo sakki kestäisi muurien ulkopuolella hetkeäkään :lol: Toivottavasti Diane ei ole mikään pahis :eiuskoa:

Mäkin olin ihan :O kun näin Rickin ilman partaa :D Harmi kun Jessiellä on mies ;) Oisin toivonu jotain sutinaa kun Jessie vaikuttaa niin mukavalta :)

Tietääköhän nuo, että Enid kuljeskelee välillä muurien toisella puolella? :insane:
Group Leader
Group Leader
Viestit: 253
Liittynyt: 08 Marras 2013, 03:03

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Siru84 » 02 Maalis 2015, 23:54

Loving Dead kirjoitti:Greg Nicoteron haastattelu liittyen tähän jaksoon!

Walking Dead director Greg Nicotero reveals deleted scenes from the latest episode

Tonight’s episode of The Walking Dead was a pivotal one as the group entered the gates of Alexandria and attempted to adapt to a new way of life while meeting the residents of their new community. We spoke to exec producer Greg Nicotero (who directed the episode) to get the behind-the-scenes scoop on the installment, which included the introduction of Tovah Feldshuh as Alexandria leader Deanna Monroe, Rick finally shaving off that gnarly beard, and an ad-libbed comedic moment from Daryl Dixon. Nicotero also talks about some scenes that were cut for time that revealed the assigned jobs for some others in the group. Read on to learn more.

EW: This is the first time we’re seeing the inside of Alexandria, a location we know from the comics. Tell us how you wanted to visually introduce this new society—not just to the characters, but to viewers as well.
GREG NICOTERO: One of the biggest challenges of this episode is that we’re in a safe, guarded environment. Being in a place where people live and people thrive, people are taken care of and comfortable—but still feeling the flavor of our show—that was the biggest challenge. So when we were inside Alexandria, I wanted to make sure that every direction that we looked and every camera angle we used, we were always feeling the wall. One of the things about Woodbury is you never really got a sense of how big Woodbury was because you never really could tell where it ended. So in this episode, even when Rick and Deanna are having their conversation, the wall is outside the window behind them. And when they’re in the street, everywhere you look, you see the rusted metal wall. So the place feels confined. And given Rick’s state of mind and everyone’s culture shock about stepping into this place—they’ve basically lost everything and then they walk in and meet these people who have been there protected the entire time. It was a real trick.

You mentioned Deanna—obviously an adaptation of Alexandria leader Douglas Monroe from the comics. Why the gender switch?
Scott Gimple just wanted to switch it up a bit. I think Tovah is a great actress, and the scene we shot with her and Rick, the 10-page scene which sets up the entire colony—we shot that her first day. So she had to land on Sunday night, meet everybody on Monday, and then Tuesday she got into it with basically laying the blueprint of all of Alexandria for Rick and the entire audience.

That’s interesting because it’s not just her. There are so many new characters introduced here. What’s it like for you as a director working with so many new people that aren’t familiar with they rhythms and shorthand of how you all shoot?
It was like directing a pilot because you have to put this world on its feet, and it was an episode that a lot of people had some trepidation about because we had spent five months building Alexandria and wanted to make sure that it didn’t play like Main Street U.S.A. It’s supposed to look clean and partially manicured because it is protected, but what we really didn’t want to have happen is for it to take the audience right out of the show the minute you got there. So the idea that we have with Carl going to the house next door—I purposefully shot that scene where he goes upstairs and hears the noise—I shot that scene very much like episode 409 where Carl is in the house alone, because I wanted you to still feel that no matter how safe they are, they have been conditioned for almost two years to have this sense of dread. And the episode really does have that, and we see how everybody handles it.

There were a couple of scenes that we had to lose due to time—a really interesting sequence. It was when all of them were going to work for their jobs. We see Rosita going to meet [Jessie’s husband] Pete, and we see Abraham going to meet the crew that is building the wall, and we see Eugene going to meet with a worker to discuss the solar array. And we also see Maggie going to work with Deanna. So it was a great little montage, and we had to lose it strictly for time. But it was this great moment where people were having to deal with the emotion of assimilating back into what is such a normal world in an abnormal universe.

To that point, in that scene where Rick and Carl face the walkers, am I wrong in seeing them perk up during that confrontation? As if that’s what they’re used to, and in a weird way they maybe don’t know how to live without that confrontation because that’s how they’ve been conditioned now. It’s almost as if they feel more alive when they are doing that.
You’re absolutely correct. And not only do they feel more alive, but I think Carl even says, “I don’t want this place to make us weak.” So they go out into the wilderness specifically to keep up their chops. They want to stay sharp because the last thing that they want to have happen is to be caught with their guard down and have something happen to them. And Carol has the same reaction too. But everybody handles it differently. Daryl has no real interest in assimilating. He hardly even looks at anybody. And then you have Tara and Rosita and those guys who are sort of enamored with the idea, like, “Wow, we got a house! This is great!” Everybody’s handling it differently, and especially Michonne, who talks about the fact that she spends 15 minutes brushing her teeth.

You use footage and audio from the camcorder that Deanna sets up, so we see some of the episode played out through these tapes that she’s recording. Tell me about the decision to do that.
I love the idea that Deanna’s job is to document every single person that comes in. And those documents are public record. So we really wanted to play the idea that the video camera is the omnipotent viewer, and any time you can go into Deanna’s office and watch those interviews. So we really wanted to play the idea that we cut back and forth to the P.O.V.’s because ultimately that will be the record of who these people are. It’s not about what happens when the camera is not running; it’s about what happens when the camera is running, because that is how Deanna gauges everybody—from those initial interviews. And we will get a chance later to have her rewatch some of those interviews. I think it’s a great device, and again, we’re talking about technology that is co commonplace now that when you see her say, “Do you mind if I record this?” you’re like, what are you talking about? That doesn’t exist anymore. But they’re able to take hot showers and to record things and have electricity and all of these amenities that clearly feel to our group like a gilded cage.

Let’s talk about the Rick shaving scene. Obviously a big moment. It kind of felt like a mirror version—no pun intended—of the scene where Shane shaved his head back in season 2.
He shaves because it’s part of Rick’s transition to a different person. He’s no longer living out there and he’s no longer feral. But he’s still the same guy. So by Rick shaving and putting on the uniform and putting on clean clothes and then him saying in the last line of the episode—“If they’re not okay with this then well just take this place”—he’s going undercover. Rick is becoming the person that he thinks they want him to be so that he can assess what the likelihood is that their group is going to be able to stay there and survive.

Carol is clearly going undercover as well. Is this a plan they formulated together or is everyone sort of doing their own thing?
I think at this point they’re all just doing what they need to do, like that great scene where Carol comes out on the porch and says “Time to go make the casserole!” And then Daryl looks up and says, “You look ridiculous!”

I love that line.
That was an ad-lib. Because it is so foreign to what we’ve lived with for five years to see Carol in that pastel getup, we all sat there going, this is frickin’ weird. So then she walks down the sidewalk and Norman yells “You look ridiculous!” When I did the cut, I was like, I’m leaving that in because that is exactly what Daryl would say. And I don’t know if it made it in to the episode or not, but at one point Carol goes “Thank you!” as she’s walking away.

But what was amazing about the shower scene and the shaving scene was that Andy hasn’t seen himself clean-shaven since season 1. And it’s a very different look. So we specifically set up multiple cameras because I wanted to shoot it all as one piece. Once you start shaving, you can’t go back. And what was interesting about it is Andy was so zoned in—he was just staring at himself in the mirror. He was watching himself transform into a different person. So at one point I remember looking at him, and he hadn’t trimmed all the hair off yet but he was using the razor. So I went in at one point and actually took the scissors and started trimming some of it for him. He was so zoned into his headspace that I don’t think he even really knew. There’s a great picture of me in the bathroom shaving him. It was just watching your reflection become a different person, and that is what we wanted for the scene. I wanted to capture Rick’s transformation into somebody else and how that affects him emotionally. So you’re looking into his eyes as he’s looking at his reflection. And you have to remember on our show, we don’t play up mirrors up very often at all. We play reflections a lot. Scott Gimple loves the idea of using reflections in the episodes, but it’s not like our people have a lot of opportunities to see what they really look like. So going back to the original question: Yes, we did want to mirror the scene with Shane with putting the steam on the mirror and all that kind of stuff.

Clearly this entire episode is setting the table for what’s to come.
It’s a challenging episode because it’s a very different episode and it’s not super action-packed, but it’s got this underlying sense of unease and dread. My hope for episode 12 is that basically we’re lighting a fuse. And we don’t know how long the fuse is, and we don’t know how long it is going to take for all of this to implode, but clearly our people are out of sorts being in this situation—especially having dealt with Woodbury and having dealt with Terminus and even Hershel’s farm, which was probably the safest place that they had lived for a long time period, and that ultimately imploded. So I do believe that there’s always this sense from our group like, listen, nothing is forever. And the big question is: Can we survive here?

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/02/27/wa ... d9befb34cd

Kiitoksia tästä :halitus: Harmi, että mun englannintaidoilla vaikea suomentaa :oops:
Group Leader
Group Leader
Viestit: 253
Liittynyt: 08 Marras 2013, 03:03

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Loving Dead » 02 Maalis 2015, 23:54

Siru84 kirjoitti:Mäkin olin ihan :O kun näin Rickin ilman partaa :D Harmi kun Jessiellä on mies ;) Oisin toivonu jotain sutinaa kun Jessie vaikuttaa niin mukavalta :)

Jessien mies ei tuntunut pitävän Rickistä... varmaankin kuolee kohta! :mrgreen:
Loving Dead
Viestit: 84
Liittynyt: 07 Helmi 2015, 09:58

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Siru84 » 02 Maalis 2015, 23:59

Loving Dead kirjoitti:Jessien mies ei tuntunut pitävän Rickistä... varmaankin kuolee kohta! :mrgreen:

Oi veikkaatko, että kuolisi? Sopisi Jessie Rickin kanssa yhteen :zeko:
Group Leader
Group Leader
Viestit: 253
Liittynyt: 08 Marras 2013, 03:03

Re: 5.12 Remember

ViestiKirjoittaja Loving Dead » 03 Maalis 2015, 00:10

Haastattelusta jäi itselle mieleen seuraavat mielenkiintoisimmat kohdat:

- Mukana piti olla kohtaus, josta käy ilmi mitä työtehtäviä kukin oli saanut, mm. Rosita auttelee Jennien miestä Petea (muistakaamme että Noah mainitsi aiemmin Pete-nimisen taitavan lääkärin!) ja Maggie Deannaa, mutta kohtaus oli poistettu, koska se ei mahtunut ajallisesti mukaan. Harmi. :?
- Rickin parran ajelu oli ollut Andylle iso juttu, koska hän ei ole nähnyt itseään siloposkisena sitten 1. kauden. Parranajelukohtaus on siis aito! Hän oli tuijottanut itseään peilistä niin keskittyneenä, ettei ollut huomannut juuri muuta ympärillään.
- Darylin kommentti Carolille "näytät naurettavalta" oli myöskin ollut aito lausahdus Norman Reedusilta, ja se oli otettu mukaan, koska se sopi niin hyvin Darylin sanomaksi... :D
Loving Dead
Viestit: 84
Liittynyt: 07 Helmi 2015, 09:58

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